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Evangelism Simulator

The Evangelism Simulator and the Gospel

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In today’s context, an evangelism simulator not only equips new evangelists with essential practical and theoretical skills but also demystifies the idea that evangelism is exclusively a gift bestowed by God. As seen in the story of the servant girl in Naaman’s household, whose simple suggestion led to the miraculous healing of the leprous commander (2 Kings 5:1-14), evangelism can occur in unexpected ways and is accessible to all. Similarly, simulators enable disciples to practice and develop their communication and cultural discernment skills, just as the apostles adapted their messages for different audiences (Acts 17:22-31).

By practicing in a simulated environment, contemporary evangelists are encouraged to explore new approaches and strategies, reflecting the dynamism and diversity evident in biblical accounts of evangelism. Just as Paul became “all things to all people” to win some for Christ (1 Corinthians 9:19-23), simulators “challenge” disciples to contextualize the message of the gospel in relevant and impactful ways, adapting to the challenges and opportunities of both virtual and physical environments today.

The proposal of the Evangelism Simulator from the Roteiros Bíblicos Project is structured across various levels of complexity. At the first level, the simulator teaches how to seize everyday opportunities to introduce the gospel, using topics of interest to both the person being approached and the evangelist. This practical and contextualized approach reflects the biblical example of Jesus, who often used parables and everyday situations to convey profound spiritual truths (Matthew 13:34-35).

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.

Benefits of an Evangelism Simulator

Practical Training: Simulators allow new evangelists to practice presenting the gospel in a simple and clear manner, much like Peter did on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41).

Cultural Adaptation: Just as Paul adapted to local cultural contexts (1 Corinthians 9:19-23), simulators can teach how to contextualize the message of Christ for different audiences.

Personal Confidence: By practicing in a simulated environment, evangelists build confidence in their secular skills.

Constructive Feedback: Receiving immediate and constructive feedback helps evangelists refine their communication techniques, as Apollos learned from Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18:24-26).

Spiritual Preparation: Beyond practical skills, simulators can emphasize the importance of prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit, as Jesus taught His disciples (John 15:5).

Using an evangelism simulator clearly reveals that evangelism is simple and entirely dependent on the transformative power of the gospel. In addition to equipping evangelists with practical skills, it strengthens their spiritual connection with God and enhances their ability to communicate the message effectively and relevantly to the contemporary world.

  • It is recommended that new evangelists take the Evangelism Course alongside the simulator.
  • The simulator was not designed to replicate a complete evangelistic approach.
  • The purpose of the simulator is to complement the evangelism course, helping students learn how to initiate, conduct, and conclude an evangelistic encounter.

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